lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

CORTO: Panic Attack!

Desde Montevideo nos llega de la mano de Fede Alvarez un corto llamado Ataque de panico realmente espectacular. Tan espectacular que Sam Raimi ya lo ha fichado para que haga una pelicula y asi intentar lo mismo que hizo Peter Jackson con Disctrict 9.

CORTO animado: ALMA

corto de animacion titulado Alma, se trata del opera prima de Rodrigo Blaas, uno de los animadores españoles que hay en Pixar. Son cinco minutos que hay que ver porque ademas de ser una gran historia destila calidad por los cuatro costados.



Written and Directed by: Rodrigo Blaas
Produced by: Cecile Hokes
Music: Mastretta
Art Director: Alfonso Blaas
Lighting Supervisor: Jonatan Catalán
Character Technical Supervisor: Jaime Maestro
Character Design: Bolhem Bouchiba, Carlos Grangel,
Sergio Pablos, Santi Agustí
Animation: Daniel Peixe, ManueBover, Remi Hueso
Sound Design: Tom Myers and David Hughes
Post Production Coordinator: David Heras
Special Thanks: Keytoon, Next Limit, UserT38

Full credits:

CORTO animado: salesman Pete

Brillante corto realizado en Francia donde nos cuentan la historia de un mediocre vendedor al que los cientificos locos de una organizacion ultrasecreta le colocan un chip que le convierte en una especie de maquina de matar de las ventas. Muy bueno.

Salesman Pete from Salesman Pete on Vimeo.

sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

ARQUITECTURA: Teton Valley Community School

The Teton Valley Community School (TVCS) is a non-profit independent school located in Victor, Idaho. At the base of the Teton Mountain range, Victor is 6,200 feet above sea level and is a quickly developing alpine area. The town’s eclectic mix of pioneer families and new residents from around the globe exemplify Victor’s unique history and diversity.
Idaho is one of the most underfunded school systems in the nation. This creates a challenge for schools to accommodate the exponential growth that is taking place in towns like Victor. TVCS currently serves 70 students from preschool through 6th grade and hopes to expand to include 7th and 8th grade by the year 2011. The school is located on a 2 acre site within two existing residences that have been transformed into classrooms. Due to space constraints the school has half of its students located at a satellite campus nearby.



Eleven (HD 2010) - Operative 4511 is a space marine on his own and outnumbered. Sometimes the voice you reach at the other end of the comm can mean the difference between life and death! 'Eleven' plays with the visual style of fps video game cut scenes that were popular when it was conceived.

Eleven is a parody that was inspired by many of the cutscenes we've come to expect from today's big-budget FPS games. Our goal was to contrast the expected style and mood of the genre with the eventual humor that result from 4511's aggravating and, for many of us, familiar circumstances.


viernes, 28 de enero de 2011


buena calidad y subtitulada:

web oficial:

DOCUMENTAL: ELdesafio verde - 1 de 6

El actor Brad Pitt pone voz en su versión original a esta producción a favor de la ecología que examina diferentes propuestas de empresas, gobiernos y ciudadanos anónimos que, desde sus respectivos ámbitos, trabajan por el respeto al medio ambiente.
Así, la serie demuestra cómo la arquitectura sostenible, las energías alternativas, las granjas orgánicas o el reciclaje de desperdicios o de ropa forman parte de la vida de las diferentes civilizaciones y cómo, de forma paulatina, la población es más sensible y demanda estas opciones más respetuosas con el cuidado del planeta.
'El desafío verde' incluye imágenes inéditas de los últimos avances tecnológicos en el campo de la ecología y ofrece entrevistas a pioneros del desarrollo sostenible que expondrán que vivir en armonía con la naturaleza no es solo una forma de progreso, si no que es una manera de garantizar la supervivencia de la Tierra.

Capítulo 1 - Nueva York
La ciudad más poblada de los Estados Unidos es también la más avanzada en cuanto al diseño de edificaciones que respetan el medio ambiente. Algunos de los edificios de Manhattan sirven de modelo de responsabilidad medioambiental lo que sitúa a la ciudad a la cabeza de lo que se conoce como arquitectura sostenible, la optimización de los recursos a través de las construcciones, de sus estructuras y sus instalaciones.
El documental que abre la serie se adentra en la Gran Manzana y hace un recorrido por construcciones como el One Bryant Park o The Socaire, entre otras, ejemplos de estructuras ecológicas. Además, 'Nueva York', da voz a los arquitectos y diseñadores que han participado en su creación en entrevistas que acercan la realidad de su desafío medioambiental.


toda mi reseña anterior:

ARQUITECTURA: The Spanish architecture firm MADE IN have won the Maritime Cultural & Pop Music Center International Competition in the city of Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

The Spanish architecture firm MADE IN have won the Maritime Cultural & Pop Music Center International Competition in the city of , .

Architects: MADE IN
Location: ,
Principal Core: Manuel Álvarez-Monteserin, Beatriz Pachón, Antonio Alejandro, Javier Simó, Lain Satrustegui, Antonio Corona, Arsenio P. Amaral, Guiomar Contreras, Sara Pérez, Andrés Infantes, Jorge López
Second Phase Incorporations: Maria Mallo, Teresa Santás, Ignacio Álvarez-Monteserín, Jaime López, Angel J. Abruña, Javier Gutierrez, Beatriz Crespo, Laura Martín, Alicia Domingo Medrano, Ismael García Abad, Luis Marcos Nieto, Pablo Salvador, Javier Aguirre
Surface: 80,000 square meters, plus 20,000 square meters of open air public space
Budget: 100 millions of euros(€)
Programe: Interior auditorium (3500 seats), exterior auditorium (12,000 seats), Eight small auditoriums (150 to 400 seats), A Maritimal museum, a Music museum, and a comercial area of (20,000 m2)

This project proposes a responsible urbanism based on the heterogeneity of the program, on the urban porosity and on the adaptability to the different situations and events.
We didn´t want an intervention that was working only in moments of concerts and festivals, we wanted a fabric that was forming a part of the day after day of the city offering daily spaces to the habitants of .
The project develops along a bay in an extension of more than 11 hectares, meeting different situations of contour, which do that the action divides in three differentiated zones 


CORTO: Beyond Black Mesa

Beyond Black Mesa is a short Independent fan film Inspired by the Half-Life Video Game series. This is an action packed short film centering around Adrian Shephard and a band of resistance fighters struggling to get out a warning about the impending invasion.

- Independent short film - 2 years in the making - Endless hours of post
- 1 Canon HV20
- 7 Friends
- $1,200 budget for the full short film.

This film is not HL,HL2 or Opposing Forces. It's a short fan film that takes place in the Half-Life world. Also, as a completely independent film, we wanted to have a creative voice in the movie and make it a movie that we would enjoy shooting. We took artistic freedoms and liberties, unfortunately most of those decisions were determined by our limited resources.

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Directed by Brian Curtin
Producer: Matt Hall, Mat Powell
Actors/Grips: Joy Gravel, Walt Thomas, Andrew Gothard
Special Tracks: Nate Quarterman
Narrator: Taylor Robinson
Audio Mastering: Eric Chapman

animacion: planktoon studios

CGSociety :: Studio Profile
21 January 2011, by Paul Hellard

PlanKtoon is a Paris based animation studio with five people employed to push the boundaries of their craft. Alban Lelievre, Sebastien Pribile, Fabrice Senia, Alexandre Henri and Sun Limet spend their days directing commercials, as well as creating short animation films and series pilots. "While we naturally tend toward the cartoon style of animation," explains animation director Sun Limet.


ARQUITECTURA: Eco-Temporary Refuge

The Eco-Temporary Refuge, designed by Andrea Jasci Cimini of , is a proposal for a residence that can be deployed in mountain landscapes where recreational activities are available for tourists, climbers and hikers. The house comes as a substitute to permanent and invasive construction of housing that endangers the dedicated eco-systems of the mountains to promote this kind of seasonal activity. The zero-impact house is a sustainably-minded endeavor that simultaneously exploits and protects the natural environment.


fotografia: Tokyo, Japan 2010


VIDEO: video interactivo en 360

fotografia: fine art by Hengki Koentjoro

Me encanta esta serie de fotografias en B&N realizadas por Hengki Koentjoro dedicadas a la tierra y al mar. Las perspectivas y los contraluces son realmente espectaculares.


jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

ARQUITECTURA: biblioteca en Villanueva Colombia

Architects: Carlos Meza, Alejandro Piñol, Germán Ramírez, Miguel Torres
Location: Villanueva,
Collaborators: Andrés Rodríguez Cabra y Diana Pizano
Client: National Ministry of Culture, Casanare Government
Graphic design, logo & artwork: Santiago Piñol
Builder: UT Quimper: Ing. Camilo Blanco y Arq. Óscar Pontón
Project year: 2006
Site Area: 2,500 sqm
Constructed Area: 1,551 sqm
Photographs: Nicolás Cabrera, Alejandro Piñol

If sustainable buildings can be understood as the resourceful result from the use of local materials, local workforce, economical restrictions, climatic particularities and a projected low maintenance, the Public for the tropical city of Villanueva in can be understood as such.

Before the project had to face with such realities, we began intuitively with a strong urban spatial proposal, dressed in a minimal handcrafted technical solution. Also, and because it was the result of a national public contest won against all odds by four young architects, the ingenuity of the project’s radical proposals met with the crude reality (and lots of engineers, experts, etc), resulting in the end in a built fresh statement.


domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

CGSociety : Production Focus

As the Harry Potter films move towards their climactic ending, the artists at The Moving Picture Company (MPC) are giving the film some of their best moves too. From slithering snakes to narrow tunnels, Look Dev and Lighting Lead Mo Sobhy had his own demons to conquer. His shot list was a broad spectrum of environments and characters that had to blend flawlessly with the live action without a hint of the challenges involved.

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

mate painting: David Luong

Digital matte painting,  also known as matte painting, is done mostly on the computer and / or with reference pictures instead because of the ease and efficiency of doing it digitally.

2011 Digital Matte Painting Reel from David Luong on Vimeo.


fotografia: las mejores fotografias del 2010

las mejores fotografias del 2010 segun The Big Picture y como siempre un nivelon impresionante.

jueves, 20 de enero de 2011

documental: obsolescencia programada

"Chip instalado en una impresora diseñado para registrar el número de impresiones y enviar una señal de error al usuario al llegar a un número determinado"

Baterías que se 'mueren' a los 18 meses de ser estrenadas, impresoras que se bloquean al llegar a un número determinado de impresiones, bombillas que se funden a las mil horas... ¿Por qué, pese a los avances tecnológicos, los productos de consumo duran cada vez menos?
La 2 de Televisión Española y emiten  "Comprar, tirar, comprar" un documental que nos revela el secreto: obsolescencia programada, el motor de la economía moderna.
Rodado en España, Francia, Alemania, Estados Unidos y Ghana, Comprar, tirar, comprar, hace un recorrido por la historia de una práctica empresarial que consiste en la reducción deliberada de la vida de un producto para incrementar su consumo porque, como ya publicaba en 1928 una influyente revista de publicidad norteamericana, "un artículo que no se desgasta es una tragedia para los negocios".
El documental, dirigido por Cosima Dannoritzer y coproducido por Televisión Española, es el resultado de tres años de investigación, hace uso de imágenes de archivo poco conocidas; aporta pruebas documentales y muestra las desastrosas consecuencias medioambientales que se derivan de esta práctica. También presenta diversos ejemplos del espíritu de resistencia que está creciendo entre los consumidores y recoge el análisis y la opinión de economistas, diseñadores e intelectuales que proponen vías alternativas para salvar economía y medio ambiente.
